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原创汉英双语诗词:江神子 ·醉花丛丨#x


原标题:汉英双语诗词:江神子 ·醉花丛

【Li Changkong】

To the tune of Jiangshenzi·Drunk in the flowers

In wild thoughts for not hearing from you for years,l′ve sent you

one letter after another like flakes of clouds.

In thousands of miles of Guandong,where to find your whereabouts?

At dusk,the frost wind blows lonely,

stars twinkling like tears,and the moon bows.

Late at night,l treat the sky to wine,drinking one cup after another.

Eyes hazy,l see a tree like you.forward to hold your hand l stagger,

and never does it disappear,with me drunk amid the clusters of flower.

【中文作者简介】李长空,本名李家庆(1971.11- ),巴蜀人,中国作家协会会员、中国文艺评论家协会会员、中华诗词文化研究所研究员。著作出版诗文集十余种,诗词作品散见《中华诗词》《中华辞赋》《词刊》《东坡赤壁诗词》《诗词》《诗刊·子曰》《星星·诗词》《法华报·世华诗苑》《越东寮周报·南加专页》《休斯顿诗苑》《北美枫》《澳洲彩虹鹦》《诗殿堂》等纸刊,收入多种诗词选本。


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