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James Bond is one of the few constants that movie lovers have in this crazy world of ours. We seem to know that, no matter what, a new Bond movie is always on the way.


The history of James Bond theme songs isn’t quite as long as some might suspect, however. The first two films in the series – Dr. No and From Russia With Love – didn’t have opening songs, they had orchestral arrangements. Dr. No even segued into a weird rendition of "Three Blind Mice." Later on, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service gave the opening number amiss and snuck its theme song into the middle and end of the movie.


These are the official James Bond theme songs, ranked from worst to best, with two honorable mentions because they may or may not count, but were just that good, dang it.


James Bond Themes Honorable Mention: "We Have All The Time in the World" by Louis Armstrong


On Her Majesty’s Secret Service gets an honorable mention on our list of James Bond Theme songs.


One of the best James Bond theme songs wasn’t actually played over the opening credits, so we’re giving it our first honorable mention. This enormously romantic song from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is one of the few James Bond themes that helps tell the story of the film, in which our hero finally meets the love of his life. (Alas, it was short-lived.) Satchmo warbles his trademark warble, our hearts melt, and a classic is born.

这是007系列电影最佳 主题曲之一,但实际上并没有在片头演奏,所以我们把它放在荣誉推荐的第一位。这首浪漫的曲子呼应了电影情节的发展,最终詹姆斯·邦德遇到了真爱。(可惜他 们的恋情维持不久便结束了。)路易斯·阿姆斯特朗运用了他标志性的颤音,听者心弦颤动,一个经典诞生了。

James Bond Themes Honorable Mention: "Surrender" by K.D. Lang


Tomorrow Never Dies gets the other honorable mention on our James Bond theme song list.


Originally intended for the opening credits of Tomorrow Never Dies, and then for some reason relegated to the closing credits, K.D. Lang’s "Surrender" is silken and cool. The horn sections are sassy and powerful. It’s one of the best James Bond theme songs, and it’s not even officially a James Bond theme song. And it’s a heck of a lot better than the official theme the movie finally got.


James Bond Themes 10. "Diamonds Are Forever" by Shirley Bassey


The second-best song that Shirley Bassey performed for the James Bond franchise is still one of the best. For a series that, on some level, has always been about wish fulfillment, listening to one of the great singers belt powerful notes about avarice seems just about right. So say what you will about the film (it’s not on many of the lists of James Bond’s best), but Bassey had good material here and she knocked it out of the park.

雪莉·巴赛为007系列电影演唱了两首 名曲,这是其中之一。从某种程度上来说,007系列电影一直讲述的是心愿达成的故事。观众在享受剧情的同时,耳旁听着最棒的歌手用强有力的声音唱着关于贪 欲的歌词,真是恰到好处。所以无论你对这部电影抱有何种看法(尽管这不是007系列最佳电影之一),巴赛拥有上好的素材,创作了让人眼前一亮的歌曲。

James Bond Themes 9. "The Man with the Golden Gun" by Lulu


Not a lot of Bond villains get their own theme song, but Christopher Lee’s assassin from The Man with the Golden Gun gets a flashy, catchy, groovy tune that makes him seem cool as hell. (And of course, he is.) Lulu completely sells the awesomeness of the villain Scaramanga, and although the song may seem almost ridiculously upbeat today, it only adds to the charm.

007电影中,反派人物往往没有自己的主题曲,但 是《金枪人》中克里斯多弗·李扮演的暗杀者出场时有一段轻快动人的绝妙曲调,衬托出暗杀者如地狱使者般帅气冷酷。LuLu的演唱完全演绎出这个反派斯卡拉 孟加的过人之处。即使这首歌在今天来说欢快得有点可笑,但这也增添了它的魅力。

James Bond Themes 8. "You Only Live Twice" by Nancy Sinatra


Another love ballad for Bond, but if Nancy Sinatra’s song from You Only Live Twice was playing at your orthodontist’s office, it would be the sexiest orthodontist’s office in town. There’s a mysterious quality to the string section, and a playfulness to the declining notes. They combine to make something rather magical. From here on out all of the Bond songs on this list are bona fide classics.


James Bond Themes 7. "Nobody Does It Better" by Carly Simon


Some would argue that Carly Simon’s theme to The Spy Who Loved Me is the best James Bond theme song ever. They may have a point, but maybe what’s really going on is that this is just "the best song from a James Bond movie." It’s a fun tune, catchy as hell, romantic and beautifully sung. But nothing about this seems to specifically evoke James Bond, his adventures, his history or even his films. "Nobody Does It Better" is still a winner by any estimation; there’s just happens to be a reason why it didn’t crack our top five.

有 人会认为卡莉·西蒙演唱的《海底城》的主题曲最好听。他们可能有自己的理由,可能是因为这是"邦德电影中最好听的歌曲"。曲调欢快、充满吸引力、浪漫抒 情,卡莉西蒙的演唱打动人心。但是这些对詹姆斯·邦德、他的冒险旅程、他的来历甚至他的电影没有任何特殊引导作用。尽管《没人做得更好》被认为是一首好 歌,但是由于上述原因它并没能进入榜单前五名。

James Bond Themes 6. "A View to a Kill" by Duran Duran


A lot of the best James Bond theme songs sound like they belong in a lounge act. That’s not a complaint, just an observation. For whatever reason, the English new wave act Duran Duran was given free reign to provide A View to a Kill with a new and exciting sound all its own. "A View to a Kill" was a hit song, and it probably would have been a success even without the James Bond connection. It’s entertaining and cool and energetic, and it promises one hell of a good time. (Whether or not the movie actually lives up to that promise is a matter of some debate.)

许多邦德电影主题曲听起来像酒吧表演歌曲。这不 是抱怨,仅仅只是观察。无论出于何种原因,英国热门乐团杜兰杜兰发挥自身才能,为电影《雷霆杀机》创作了这首歌。曲调新颖,振奋人心。《雷霆杀机》是一首 即使不依靠邦德电影也能成功的主打歌曲。歌曲轻松愉悦、活力四射,暗含一段令人沉醉的美好时光。(至于电影是否恰如歌曲讲述的那样尚有争议。) 来源:可可英语



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