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鸵鸟油在国际上被誉为“液 体 黄 金”。非洲鸵鸟是世界上最大的鸟类,奔跑时速可达70公里,但是它们没有肌肉拉伤,没有挫伤,在极端的环境下没有风湿病和关节炎。据中国畜牧兽医杂志第33卷第5期题目为《鸵鸟油的化学成分分析及利用》的文章中介绍“鸵鸟油在国上被称为“液 体 黄 金",浅黄色油状物 ,凝固时呈乳白色膏状,凝固点低,稳定性好,滋润性优,保湿性和渗透性强等特点,是医药、化妆品、化工及食品等行业的优质原料。”

鸵鸟油的组成最显著地特点是烷烃类和醛类成分具有系列性,烷烃类是从正二十烷到正三 十三烷,醛类是从壬醛到二十六醛 ,这些系列的化合物是非极性的小分子,因此决定了鸵鸟油具有很强的渗透性,使它在修复细胞、舒展筋骨、止痛、消炎等方面具有明显的作用 。 鸵鸟油按成分分为烷烃类,占0.04%;醛类,占0.22% ;酮类,占0.98% ;鸵鸟油 的组成 最显著地特点是烷烃类和醛类成分具有系列性,烷烃类是从正二十烷到正三十三烷 ,醛类是从壬醛到二十六醛,这些系列的化合物是非极性的小分子,因此决定了鸵鸟油具有很强的渗 透性,使它在修复细胞、舒展筋骨、止痛、消炎等方面具有明显的作用。鸵鸟油按成分分为烷烃类,占0.04% ;醛类 ,占 0.22 %;酮类 ,占 0.98 %;饱和脂肪酸,占 42.63 %; 不饱和脂肪酸,占 48.57%;组成与含量比较均衡,因此在医药、化工、生化等领域内的应用具有很大的潜力,开发前景非常广泛 。











10.轻微烧伤——鸵鸟油可缓解烧伤疼痛,并保护伤口, 避免感染。它有助于皮肤的快速自我修复,即伤口快速愈合。








































What Can Pure Ostrich Oil Be Used For?

Sunburn – Because of its moisturising properties Ostrich Oil will help to prevent peeling skin whilst the anti bacterial and soothing properties will help to ease the pain.

Arthritis – Although not a cure Ostrich Oil has been shown to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

Muscle Aches – Whether it is from over exerting yourself in a sport or just after a hard day at work Ostrich Oil can help reduce inflammation and loosen tight muscles.

Joint Pain – Because Ostrich Oil penetrates deep into tissue it can get to joint and help repair and maintain them whilst reducing inflammation and easing pain.

Eczema – Ostrich Oil has natural moisturising properties an can help control eczema by softening the affected area, reducing pain and itchiness and swelling.

Acne – Although it is an oil Ostrich Oil does not block pores, it reduces redness associated with acne and can help clear up recent scarring.

Stretch Marks – Using Ostrich Oil on stretch marks can help the skin to regenerate and gives it back some elasticity.

Scarring – If you have scars Ostrich Oil can be used to fade them but penetrating deep into the skin to help repair and regenerate new cells.

Cracked heels – The moisturing and anti-bacterial elements in Ostrich Oil make it perfect for treating and preventing unsightly cracked heels.

Minor Burns – Ostrich Oil can cool the pain of a burn whilst protecting it and warding off infection. It helps the skin to repair itself quickly meaning faster healing.

Lacerations – For any small cuts or lacerations Ostrich Oil can be applied, even to pets, children and the Elderly because it is so gentle. The quicker a wound heals the less likely it is to scar and as Ostrich Oil can help this repairing process it is great for preventing scarring.

Wrinkles – Ostrich Oil is such a great moisturising agent that it can help to plump up all layers of skin, this plumping in thin areas such as around the eyes can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Moisturing – Ostrich Oil can be used as a moisturiser for all over the body including the face, although it will make you look oily, it is good to use straight out of the bath and will make you feel soft and supple even if you do use it sparingly as it penetrates the skin so easily.

Soothing chapped skin – Because of the moisturising elements Ostrich Oil can be used on particularly dry patches to instantly sooth and heal.

Insect bites – The Oil can help to reduce the itchiness of insect bites by helping the skin to repair itself. Not only do you heal faster you will also find it easier to resist the urge to scratch.

Nails – Putting Ostrich Oil on your nails can help to soften cuticles in preparation for a manicure and also prompt nails to grow quicker and stronger.

Hair loss – Because Ostrich Oil can regenerate skin and hair cells it can help to thicken thinning hair and stop it from falling out as frequently.

Hair breakage – Using Ostrich Oil, sparingly, on the end of your hair can help to reduce split ends. Depending on how greasy your hair in naturally you might be able to get away with leaving it in. If not then leave it for about fifteen minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Face redness – Ostrich Oil can help to reduce redness in the face, by moisturing and soothing the skin.

Before foundation – Pure Ostrich Oil can be used very sparingly on dry skin as a brilliant primer for foundation. If you skin is more greasy then Ostrich Oil day cream will have a similar, less oily effect.

To tighten loose skin – Although the effect won’t be drastic, Ostrich Oil can help to firm and plump skin so it is perfect for that little extra tightening of skin as you get older in areas such as the neck and stomach.

As a hand cream – Ostrich Oil is highly moisturing and can help to make hands more supple and help conditions such as contact dermatitis.

As a dietary supplement – Ostrich Oil capsules can be taken to aid the diet as the oil contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids which your body needs but does not produce naturally. These essential fatty acids have been shown to be highly beneficial to skin, hair, muscles and joints.

For treating dandruff – The Oil can help to regenerate and moisturise the scalp making it less flaky. It also is suitable for sensitive scalps as it is non-allergenic and made from all natural ingredients.

For lip care – Because it is a powerful moisturiser it can moisturise the lips, this works better than moisturisers such as petroleum jelly as it penetrates the lips rather than just locking moisture in. This leads to moisturised lips even when Ostrich Oil hasn’t been used.

Age Spots – These are the build up of toxins in the body and although they are nothing to worry about they can be unsightly. Ostrich Oil capsules will help clear these up by aiding you body in flushing out these toxins.

Gum Disease – Ostrich Oil can be used on a tooth brush along with your toothpaste to help soothe and repair damaged gums.

Massage – Because Ostrich Oil is deeply penetrating and can help to soothe and loosen tight muscles it is the perfect oil to be used in massage.

Scrapes and scratches – Putting Ostrich Oil on a scrap or scratch can ease the pain and help it to heal quicker. The quicker it heals the less discomfort you will get from it.

Wasp / Bee stings – Using Ostrich Oil on wasp and bee stings can give instant pain relief and speed up healing.

Ear Ache – Rubbing Ostrich Oil on the bump behind the ear or on the temple can give quick relief from ear ache.

Migraines – Rubbing Ostrich Oil on the temples can give relief from severe head pain.

Chemotherapy burns – Those being treated with chemotherapy sometimes gets radiation burns; these can be soothed and treated with the application of Ostrich Oil.

Skin grafts – These tend to heal more quickly and take better with less scarring when Ostrich Oil is used.

Eye Irritation – Can be used on eye patches to reduce irritation and soothe.

Frostbite – Ostrich Oil should be rubbed in as often as needed to frost bitten areas to help soothe and heal.

Cholesterol reduction – Taking Ostrich Oil capsules can help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Hair growth – Helps to awaken dormant hair follicles which leads to faster, thicker growth.

Night cramps – Cramps are reduced significantly when Ostrich Oil is rubbed into the affected area before bed.

Split ends – Because of the moisturising properties Ostrich Oil can be gently rubbed in to the ends of hair to repair split ends.

Nosebleeds – Applying Ostrich Oil to the nasal tissue can help to prevent bleeding.

Poisonous plant rashes – Rubbing Ostrich Oil into rashes obtained from plants can provide minor to complete relief depending on the severity of the rash.

Shingles – Ostrich Oil can ease the discomfort associated with shingles.

Chicken Pox – Because Ostrich Oil is safe to use on children it can help to provide relief from the itchiness of chicken pox.

Diabetic bruises – Ostrich Oil can be applied to reduce the appearance of bruises.

Fever blisters – Ostrich Oil can help to reduce the pain, itching and swelling.

Wind Burn – Rubbing Ostrich Oil onto the affected area can reduce dryness and help to ease the pain and discomfort.

Shaving rash – Using Ostrich Oil after shaving can help to moisturise the skin leaving it softer as well as reducing any irritation.

Medication carrier – Because Ostrich Oil penetrates the skin so effectively it can be used to carry other oils, medications and substances deep into the tissue for more effective relief.

Cracked skin – If skin is cracking on your body whether it be on hands, feet, ankles or anywhere else just rub in a generous amount to make those cracks heal and disappear.


